Can You Give Three Minutes A Week To Save A Life?
Of course most of us want to save a life, but who has the time? Wells Bring Hope has an easy answer: by simply broadcasting our messages to your network you can help save lives, empower women, educate girls and change a village for generations to come. That is a powerful and meaningful contribution you can make toward improving our world
What would happen if one thousand people on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere sent out or retweeted our messages three times a week? We would reach at least half a million people a month. Multiply that by twelve!
Facebook Users: Please begin by joining us at and clicking the “like” icon. Our postings will then show up on your news feed. Simply click the “share” icon or copy and paste the content into your window and share it with your friends.
Twitter Users: Begin by following us at Then please retweet our messages, reply to postings and/or recommend us on Follow Fridays.
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